Friday, 27 March 2015

The Best Of Me- October 2014:

Target Audience:
The target audience of this advertising poster is mostly females aged between 15- 35. The economic grouping would be C, D and E. The target audience would be interested in romantic films and who may also be a fan of Nicholas Sparks who is the author of The Notebook which is one of his popular books with this target audience.
Uses and gratifications (PIES): 
Personal Identity- The target audience of females can relate to this film as they have been in the same situation of either being in love and going through the pain or wanting to be in love and want the feeling of someone wanting you and caring for you. They may be able to relate to the problems that they have gone through from being in love and show that it doesn't affect how they feel for each other.
Information- There's not any information in this film as it is fictional.
Entertainment/ Escapism- People may watch this film for just entertainment and escapism and have no personal meaning behind it. People may watch this to get a sense of escapism from their own lives and enjoy watching this as it is opposite to their own lives. People may also watch this for entertainment purposes and just enjoy watching romantic films.
Social integration- People are likely to talk to each other about the films and share their opinions with their friends if they are interested in the same film genre and enjoy sharing their opinion on it. They may also talk about it with their friends if they have both or all of them have read the book.
Reception theory:
the appeal to each audience

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